Later, when we study how another religion called “Buddhism” came into existence, we find that Buddha had not used any of those age old beliefs. He did not introduce the concept of god, soul theory, eternal hell or eternal heaven to build up Buddhism. He did not make use of fear and distorted views regarding the natural phenomena in support of his religion.
Neither did he ask for blind faithor unnecessary rites and rituals.He did not believe in selftorture, nor the imposition of penalties or commandments in the building up of Buddhism. He also did not seek for any message from elsewhere to build up Buddhism.
He used different idea or materials such as Right Understanding of the life, the world and the natural phenomena or cosmic order and the realcharacteristics of mindand matter, elements and energies, moral and spiritual development, discipline, mental training and purification, knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment toerect this religious building.

It is true that he used certain religious materials used by other religionists at that time such as kamma– action and reaction, rebirth and certain moral principles but not in the same manner or in the same sense. He refined them and  introduced them in a rational, scientific and psychological way.

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